Friday, October 11, 2013

I would like to take this time to reflect my learning so far in my technology course. It is early and I’m already thankful I only took part 1 in the summer. I’m getting my hands dirty already learning new things about technology I have been using in my classroom for years. Teaching grade 8’s for the first time I believe the web 2.0 assignment as well as the integrated technology lesson have been the most beneficial in this term.

 I think I will use Bitstrips comics for some health topics in the future so the students can have some fun and do some role playing. I have already had a request to use Skype in my classroom from some students. I have regularly used Skype in the last few months to see family members. Reading over the lessons my classmates shared I see great potential bringing the community into the class using this program.   

Blogging is a new learning experience for me, however what George Couros has taught me is that it may very well be worth the time to do. I am a believer in refection, posting online for the world to see is the wall I need to get over. I also found that writing an ALP for a two year plan is unique and I think I will attempt this from now on. It made me realize what I really can accomplish in a two year span rather than the regular one.

I wish more of my classmates were teaching grade 7 & 8’s as many of the lessons posted would have been perfect to use in the last eight years while I was a junior teacher.

In conclusion I have truly embraced this experience of using technology in my classroom that this course has encouraged. My students have enjoyed the apps, cameras and blogging we have already used and are looking forward to what comes next.